Lucy Earle

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Lucy Earle

Interim Director, Human Settlements, International Institute for Environment and Development, International Institute of Environment and Development

Lucy Earle is principal researcher in the Human Settlements Group at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). She is leading a Global Engagement Theme for the Institute on the humanitarian-environment interface, developing research and policy engagement on how urban environments, institutions and systems are affected by forced displacement. Prior to joining IIED, Lucy Earle was an urban adviser for the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), where she spent three years seconded to the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to implement DFID’s Urban Crises programme. In this role, she was involved in global advocacy on urban crises centered around the World Humanitarian Summit and Habitat III. She co-convened a series of consultative spaces designed to bring together networks of mayors, built environment professionals, urban development specialists, and humanitarian actors to build a common understanding of how to improve responses to humanitarian crises in towns and cities.

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